A perfect everyday large purse, these bags have two outside pockets and one inside zip pocket.
Part of our scrappy product line, they utilize our leftover materials in an attempt to achieve zero factory waste.
Our fabrics are hand silk-screened in our original Balizen prints with an Eco-friendly, seaweed based dye. Here we have overdyed them with the same eco friendly dye in basic black, but allowing the varying motifs to show through just a bit. The water hyacinth lining and leather straps are also made with existing stock - so color may vary each production lot.
These bags are made with care in our fair trade, in-house workshop in Bali.
100% cotton & denim outer - Water hyacinth lining, leather straps.
Dry clean.
Dimensions:Dimensions: 17"x 12"x 3.5" strap 26"
(43 cm x 130 cm x 9 cm) strap 65cm long